
RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha

RuneQuest Glorantha uses a variant of Chaosium’s percentile resolution system, Basic Roleplaying (BRP). Other games that use their own version of the system (to name but a few) include Call of Cthulhu, Magic World and Superworld. Six attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, and Charisma) define a character, along with a culture, occupation and magical association. Skills are percentile, such as Ride (horse) 55% and Spear 45%, with combat resolved using opposed rolls. Armor points subtract from damage rolls, and hit points are mapped to body locations. A blow to the head can kill even the most experienced character – there are no Luck or Hero points to allow rerolls in this game! Along with its own line of products, RuneQuest Glorantha is backwardly compatible with our RuneQuest Classic products.